Tuesday 21 September 2010

Week One

In the first 5 weeks of the semester you will be concentrating mostly on creating your own head in 3D Studio Max. In order to acheive this you will be focusing on the tutorial videos located at -> http://bit.ly/8rEBN

cgindia.org is a great resourse for 3D tutorials and resources.

As the webpage suggests I highly recomend that you spend a few minutes downloading all of the tutorial videos and supporting files to your local drive for future access.

The head model from preperation to texturing will be worth 40% of the final mark for the semester so be sure not to get behind with this.

You must hand in this work on the Friday of week 5 (22nd October at the iCentre) Hand it in whatever stage you are at as no submission will give you a mark of 0

In this first week you will be expected to complete stages 1-3 of the tutorials

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