Monday 20 September 2010

Virtual Environments

Hello everyone and welcome back for your final year!

This module builds on the previous module, “3D Modelling and Animation”. It will provide you with a chance to identify certain skills within 3D modelling and animation, and build upon them. Therefore the module is broken in to two stages. In Stage 1 you will be working individually to build your own head and learn a new form of modelling. In Stage 2 students are split into teams to tackle a live brief and work independently to learn a new modelling or animation skill. I will be facilitating the module throughout, but the onus is on the student to push the boundaries of their learning.  Both stages will be critiqued every week. Students will be expected to keep a blog, which must be updated every week to document their progress, to reflect on their learning and to form a Community of Practice with their peers.

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