Monday 6 December 2010


Hello everyone please note that the presentation will be on Wednesday morning at 9:00am in 303a DO NOT BE LATE!!!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Rendering your scenes

Some of you have been asking questions about the ideal render and video export settings below is one example of how to achieve a suitable video size and quality, there are however many ways to achieve similar standards.

1) As a group decide on the frame size you will ALL render at as it important that you stay consistent with this (1280 x 720 is a good standard)

2) Render as .avi and choose "uncompressed" as the compression setting

3) Import renders into Premier and edit scene as required

4) In the media encoder chose flv/f4v format and in the preset selection choose "F4V-HD 720p"

ADVICE - IT IS ALWAYS WORTH EXPERIMENTING WITH RENDERS AND SETTINGS BEFORE YOU GO AHEAD AND COMIT TO A FORMAT. Do some test renders to see if the quality is good enough before wasting time doing renders you don't need!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Virtual Environments - Group Work Marking

As you already know, you will all be marked individually, even though you are working in groups. The marking breakdown is as follows:

Research and preparation 5%

Standard of modelling and animation 20%

Demonstration of new skills 5%

Contribution to group work 10%

Impact of final video on client and lecturer 20%

Total /60 + Mark from your head model = Final Mark

Tuesday 2 November 2010

How you should be using your blogs...

You should all now be contributing to your groups blog but MUST continue to update an individual blog as well.

You may find that the best way to do this would be to document ALL work that you do yourself on your personal blog and then update the group blog weekly to summarise the groups overal progress


REMEMBER - It's very important for me to see who has done what in your groups, the only way for me to see this clearly is by looking at your individual blogs. You are likely to negatively affect your mark if they do not contain enough detail

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Marking Criteria For Your Head Model

Click Here to see the marking criteria in full for the head model you will be handing in on Friday (22nd October)

DONT FORGET - You must hand in a print out of all blog updates involved in the creation of the head

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Wednesday 13th October

Hello everyone I'm afraid I will not be here for tomorrows Lecture due to a family bereavement. Jo Bowman will be taking on both sessions so you are expected to still turn up.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

A reminder...

A number of you have still not started to update your personal blogs! Please be reminded that without a detailed blog it will be very difficult for me to mark your work and you may miss out on marks for work you have done but I can't see from your files

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Week 2

After today's talk from Elli Constantatou you should all now have a decent understanding of what is required for the brief. This week you must create a group blog to record the progression of the meetings that you have and the work tat is being produced. YOU MUST CONTINUE TO UPDATE YOUR PERSONAL BLOG THROGHOUT THE MODULE

Don't forget to check out for inspiration

What the group blog should include...

1) A link list of all individual members personal blogs
2) A weekly (minimum) update of the progression of work
3) Minutes from ALL of your group meetings


You are expected to contunue with the head with the intention of reaching stage 6 by next week

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Week One

In the first 5 weeks of the semester you will be concentrating mostly on creating your own head in 3D Studio Max. In order to acheive this you will be focusing on the tutorial videos located at -> is a great resourse for 3D tutorials and resources.

As the webpage suggests I highly recomend that you spend a few minutes downloading all of the tutorial videos and supporting files to your local drive for future access.

The head model from preperation to texturing will be worth 40% of the final mark for the semester so be sure not to get behind with this.

You must hand in this work on the Friday of week 5 (22nd October at the iCentre) Hand it in whatever stage you are at as no submission will give you a mark of 0

In this first week you will be expected to complete stages 1-3 of the tutorials

Monday 20 September 2010

Group Work

You will not start group work in class until the start of week 6. However you will be expected to have regular group meetings (once a week minimum) until this time so that you can present to the rest of the class your proposed idea for the group project.

In order to comunicate your work as a group it would be very effective to create a seperate blog for the whole group this link details how you can create multiple administrators for one blog:

This blog can be used to illustrate a clear progression of the project from each group member. YOU MUST CONTINUE TO UPDATE YOUR PERSONAL BLOG

Virtual Environments

Hello everyone and welcome back for your final year!

This module builds on the previous module, “3D Modelling and Animation”. It will provide you with a chance to identify certain skills within 3D modelling and animation, and build upon them. Therefore the module is broken in to two stages. In Stage 1 you will be working individually to build your own head and learn a new form of modelling. In Stage 2 students are split into teams to tackle a live brief and work independently to learn a new modelling or animation skill. I will be facilitating the module throughout, but the onus is on the student to push the boundaries of their learning.  Both stages will be critiqued every week. Students will be expected to keep a blog, which must be updated every week to document their progress, to reflect on their learning and to form a Community of Practice with their peers.