Monday 6 December 2010


Hello everyone please note that the presentation will be on Wednesday morning at 9:00am in 303a DO NOT BE LATE!!!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Rendering your scenes

Some of you have been asking questions about the ideal render and video export settings below is one example of how to achieve a suitable video size and quality, there are however many ways to achieve similar standards.

1) As a group decide on the frame size you will ALL render at as it important that you stay consistent with this (1280 x 720 is a good standard)

2) Render as .avi and choose "uncompressed" as the compression setting

3) Import renders into Premier and edit scene as required

4) In the media encoder chose flv/f4v format and in the preset selection choose "F4V-HD 720p"

ADVICE - IT IS ALWAYS WORTH EXPERIMENTING WITH RENDERS AND SETTINGS BEFORE YOU GO AHEAD AND COMIT TO A FORMAT. Do some test renders to see if the quality is good enough before wasting time doing renders you don't need!